Happy new school year!!

Welcome back students and families!  School will start next Wednesday and I am very excited!  This year I will be using this blog to showcase how we create things, the step by step process of our work.  I will still post student work on Artsonia so that families can see student work and order children's artwork from the site.  Check out the Artsonia site here:  http://www.artsonia.com/
For families new to Hollymead, you should receive a permission slip within the first month of school where you will get your child's login information.  You can sign in online, it's that easy!
Also, this year I would like for students to purchase a sketchbook for art.  They can be found at the store at Walmart or online HERE!  If you are unable to get this sketchbook, please let me know and we can work out arrangements for your child.

Lastly, the art room can always use paper towels, wipes, glue sticks, and any odds or ends that you think we can use!  If you are interested in volunteering in the art room this year, please contact me HERE.
